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Day 20: A Merry 'Forest School' Christmas from Larch Class


How many different words can you make from 'Merry Christmas' ?   (you can only use the 14 letters)

i.e. 'heart'

What is the longest word that you can make? (you can't use either 'Merry' or 'Christmas' !)

Post your words here


sam                               yes                                 the                                harry                     mia                     tea                           hat                     rat                    

cherry        cat           cats                  hats                rats          ham             ear                   hear, tear, rear, try, cry, rich, hit, hits, shame, rhyme, rest, heir, chair, 

sir, her, his, mister, star, heart, yeti, arm, harm, charm, resist, chime, mercy, Thames, year, yet, sat, sits, Mars, met, has, rice 
